Coaster in the faïence dure technique with craquelée, Ferney Voltaire, France | Circa 1930
Faïence dure; earthenware, reddish body with white glaze, transparent glaze and crackles
As one of the most important representatives of modern Swiss ceramics, Bonifas is known for his purist designs. His work is characterised by the spirit of Esprit Nouveau and its founders Ch. E. Jeanneret (Le Corbusier) and Amédée Ozenfant. Strict lines without colour correspond to his interpretation of modernism beyond Art Deco and Heimatstil. See also the literature.
Literature: Ball, Daniela U., Form ohne Ornament?: Schweizer Keramik im Spiegel der Kulturdebatten der Zwischenkriegszeit, Kunst + Architektur in der Schweiz, 56, 38-45, 2005
Blaettler, Rivollet et al., Paul Bonifas, céramiste du purisme., Musées d'art et d'histoire. Katalog zur gleichnamigen Ausstellung des Musée Ariana, Genf, 12. Juni - 22. September 1997., Genève, 1997