Table, extendable, executed by J.&J. Kohn, No 937, Vienna
Entwurf 1901 - Design 1901
Beachwood and bent beach, black stained and lacquered, brass
The table model 937 was first time presentend in 1901 at the winter exhibition of K. u. K. Österreichisches Museum für Kunst und Industrie (today's MAK). The attribution to Gustav Siegel is based on the formal similarity with other designs under his leadership as well as interiors drafted by Siegel. Reference is made to the daybed for Paris 1900 (collection of the Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague). Please see also Uhlíř, J.
Literature: Uhlíř, J.: Vom Wiener Stuhl zum Architektenmöbel, Böhlau Verlag, Wien, Köln, Weimar, 2009., S. 79 - 87
Renzi, G.: Il mobile moderno, Silvana Editoriale, Milano, 2008., S. 78,79
J.&J. Kohn Katalog 1904 & 1907, Reedition, Editions Volutes 1900, S. 65, 78