Milk jug from service series 521, no. 2, Ferney Voltaire, France
Entwurf um 1931/32, wohl zeitgleiche Ausführung - Designed around 1931/1932, probably made at the same time
Milk jug with handle, faience: earthenware, yellowish body with white, opaque pewter glaze and green, transparent overglaze (Bonifas: surémail), moulded
As one of the most important representatives of Swiss ceramics in the modern era, Bonifas is known for his purist designs. His work is characterised by the spirit of Esprit Nouveau and its founders Ch. E. Jeanneret (Le Corbusier) and Amédée Ozenfant. The drawn designs for the 521 series are documented in the literature (see details below).
Literature: Paul Bonifas, céramiste du purisme, Musées d'art et d'histoire, Genève. Katalog zur gleichnamigen Ausstellung des Musée Ariana, Genève, 12. Juni - 22. September 1997, Genève, 1997