Chairs with extending table, model no 042 and 041, executed by Thut Möbel AG, Möriken, Schweiz | Designed in 1955
Chairs with seat and backrest in cane, solid wood frame in mahogany; swinging backrest; table frame and legs in solid mahogany, tabletop and extensions are coated with black textolite
This set convinces with its straight, functional design and light but very stable construction. The Swiss cabinet maker, designer and architect Kurt Thut designed this chair in 1955 for his diploma work at Kunstgewerbeschule Zürich under the guidance by Willy Guhl. Among Thut's professors were Bauhaus master Johannes Itten and Hans Bellmann. Complete set of six chairs and table. See also Billing und Eberli, 2017, p. 69.
Literature: Designsammlung des Museums für Gestaltung, e Museum, Museum für Gestaltung, Zürich, 2020,
Billing, Joan und Eberli, Samuel: Kurt Thut - Protagonist der Schweizer Wohnkultur, Scheidegger & Spiess, Hrsg. Design & Design, Zürich, 2017, 67-69, 84-89