Bowl with engobe painting, Ferney-Voltaire, France
Entwurf und Ausführung wohl zwischen 1925 und 1930 - Designed and realised presumably between 1925 and 1930
Earthenware, light-coloured body, engobe painting with a triangular pattern in the colours yellow and orange-red on a black ground
As one of the most important representatives of Swiss ceramics in the modern era, Bonifas is known for his purist designs. His work is characterised by the spirit of Esprit Nouveau and its founders Ch. E. Jeanneret (Le Corbusier) and Amédée Ozenfant. In addition to his purist designs, he also created decorative ones. They often feature stylised or geometric motifs.
Literature: Paul Bonifas, céramiste du purisme, Musées d'art et d'histoire, Genève. Katalog zur gleichnamigen Ausstellung des Musée Ariana, Genève, 12. Juni - 22. September 1997, Genève, 1997
H 8,5 cm D 25 cm Stamp: Au Patriarche – Ferney Voltaire